Formerly an artist, Yara Richter is now the name of an art collective made up of Ra Eola, El-i Teer, K@ka Pi$tol, Yara Sara Goldini and Immanuel Cunt.
The collective uses Yara's name, body, time, and skills for networking and publicity. The collective explores black noise through sound, text, and performance as a framework to imagine and create intersectional ecofeminist and decolonized art and cultural practices.
The person Yara Richter still cultivates creative critique within white institutions, but is increasingly directing their creative resources into spaces that center Black, queer, and crazy people.
Currently based in Stuttgart, Germany
“Zauberwürfel” - Academy Prize at the End of Year Exhibition, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, 2021
“Four Sisters” - Curator’s Choice Prize at Spon Spun Festival, Coventry, UK, 2019. - Shortlisted for the Mother Art Prize, Procreate Project, 2020
Exhibitions & Festivals
“seep” at Conditions of a Necessity, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. Group Exhibition, 2022.
“MFA (Master of Filthy Arts)” at TURN AROUND Rundgang im WKV, Stuttgart. Group Exhibition, 2021
“Tired of Trees?” at ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival. Haus fuer Poesie, Berlin, 2020
“Tired of Trees?” at Sheroes in Quarantine. lon-art, online. Group exhibition, 2020
“Four Sisters” at Arty-Party 2. Co-op(t), Coventry. Group exhibition, 2019
“Dissolving Intimacy” (exhibition review on Adina Pintilie’s You Are Another Me) in Lerchenfeld Magazin, Volume 69, 2023.
“2020 AD” (photo) in Matratze Magazin, Volume III, 2021.
“Read It, Read It Again” (poem) in Mental Realness Mag, Volume IV, 2020
“Clearing” (poem) in Pinocchio’s Got Nothing On You - A Broken Grey Wires Zine, 2020
“Made while teaching my 2-year-old how to use scissors” (poem on collage) in Mothers Who Make Coventry Zine, First Edition, 2020
Anti-Racism Training Facilitator, Certification with Mosaik e.V., Heidelberg. 2023
M.F.A. Bodies, Theory and the Poetics of the Performative, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart. 2020 - 2023
B.A.(Hons) Sociology & Quantitative Methods, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. 2014-2017